Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Just wanted to touch base a little...I am feeling so very good these days! What a blessing! We've got the pain/nausea meds down to a science and they are just wonderful. Hoping the radiation will kick in soon and then, perhaps, I will be able to be off the meds all-together and "normal". Don says I'm a bit chatty on the meds...I said "chatty"? He should know all about chatty!! He's the KING of chatty! And I love him for it!!!!!!!

Wanted to let you know, too, about upcoming appointments.

We had an appointment with Madison oncologist for this Friday. That has been changed to next Friday, the 7th. He had a family emergency and was called away. His father-in-law passed away, so please keep Dr. Rose and his family in your prayers. Dr. Rose & his wife are a young couple (well, young is relative, isn't it???) and it's very possibly a difficult time for them.

After Madison called to change the appointment, I called them back just because I am a little uncomfortable putting off & putting off these appointments. They, too, were concerned, as the Physician Assistant I talked with said she had discussed my situation with the radiation doctor there. They decided it would be OK to wait another week. Wow - that's a tough one when you realize that people that do not know you or love you (though they care for me I know) are making these important decisions about your life. Another matter of prayer. But all said & done, it has not even been a month since the original diagnosis of "cancer" has been given. Not even a month. We have come a long, long way in a month. It was the 30th of March when I heard "cancer" for the first time.

And then there's the appointment with Mayo's...what is up with that? The appointment for the "2nd opinion" was to have been tomorrow, but with radiation started, I called them to tell them that (they wanted to know). Now they have postponed the appointment until at least a month after the final radiation. They say that is to wait & see what the radiation has done so they may evaluate the success/failure of the radiation. I've tried to tell them that I am not asking their opinion on treatment, but of the diagnosis itself. BUT - we have prayed that we would know what to do with the Mayo thing and if we're waiting a month - or more (more if chemo starts within that 30-day-after-radiation time...perhaps as much as 3 months after that!). I told them today there will be no need for me to come after that as treatment will have been prescribed and accomplished.

We continue to pray for Godly wisdom and direction for all concerned.

Just a "p.s" about the other "c" word (constipation for those of you just joining up with us...). We received something MOST hilarious in the mail. It's a gift for Don when he has to go to the drugstore for "things". It's one of those glasses/noses/mustache get-ups and it is just perfect!! Thanks, Peter & Cindy!!! No one will ever recognize him at the Walgreen's! He's going to add a hat to the get-up to complete his outfit...a purse is OUT of the question!

Good night to you you so very much...
Mr. Incognito & his wife

Monday, April 26, 2010

New mercies to you today! Remember, God says His mercies are new every morning!

We had a wonderful weekend with family...of all kinds. My family enjoyed a prime rib dinner her in Rockford at the Venetian Club on Saturday night...the prime rib was delicious. The Italians aren't shy about the was great! The best part was that, except for Noni (she's not a prime rib eater) we were all together. Thanks, Dad & Mom!

Then Sunday morning with precious "family" was so very uplifting. Hearing the praise of God's people in song and in word...and to be a part of that, putting aside all else to worship the the God of all creation, His majesty, His might...and trusting that God was delighted with our praise. And afterward, the encouragement, the hugs, the smiles, the tears - all come together as ways of saying how much you love us and pray for our days ahead. So many of you have asked what you can are doing it! Just loving us and praying for us is more than we could have imagined.

Sunday evening we had our "small group" - precious, precious folks! We're studying Genesis and we're at the "flood" stage. Noah was quite the man...obedient, righteous, blameless, walked with God - and built the ark, too! Thank you, God, for the flood - not for the destruction that it brought, but for those that were saved, their obedience & faithfulness to You - and what it helps us to understand about who You really are! (If we think You're kidding about "right living", think again!)

We got together with Don's family after "small group" to celebrate a birthday and even got to visit with family from Minnesota that's come to visit for a few days. Great to visit a little with you, Ken & Lois!

All made for a wonderful weekend...filled with good times, making for precious memories.

Enjoy your is a gift from God, to be sure!
Don & Deb

Friday, April 23, 2010

Good morning!
Early on in all this, it became evident that there wasn't much that would remain "private" concerning my body & health. I'm writing and we're all (men & women) conversating about "women's" things. Those that have been hospitalized realize how nothing is left "covered" so to speak. I think we all understand the sensitivity! It just goes out the window. Early on, we also said we'd share good & bad, though today's post may be more of the "ugly". If you're squeamish about bodily functions, you might want to skip today...but it's just too much of a victory not to share!!

The big "C" word that goes along with many medical maladies is constipation. That has never, ever been an issue for me. Until now. Extremely painful as those of you who suffer with this know. Prune juice, fruits, veggies...nothing was helping as everything came to a halt. I was just miserable. It was Wednesday evening after getting home from Madison and I realized that this was not something that was going to go away on it's own. Walking, sitting, laying down - all difficult and uncomfortable. So, I asked Don to go to the drugstore to get a "stool softener". This is the man that when we were first married and grocery shopped together, would hide the toilet paper under all the other groceries in case we ran into someone we knew. Never mind buying "women's"things. Never!!! I asked him to go for a pair of panty hose one morning and he just couldn't do it. So a stool softener was WAY out of his comfort zone. I wrote down what I wanted on a piece of paper for him to just "slip" to the pharmacist. I told him the pharmacist would take it from there. Don wouldn't even have to say the words. He came home with package in hand, but pale & sweaty!

Now it's Thursday afternoon and things still aren't moving and becoming increasingly painful. A dear nurse-friend happened to call and I was telling her the problem and she said - oh sweetie, you need a suppository. A WHAT? My first thought was well, WHO'S going to the pharmacy for that one? Don will just faint flat on the floor. I called Don on his way home from work and told him what I needed. Dead silence on the other end of the phone. He said, ok, that's fine, I can do that. Called from the pharmacy to make sure he had the correct thing - whispering while he's spelling it out to me!!

There's a marvelous happy ending here!! What was once bound has been set free!!!!!! Oh, I danced around and danced around last night...THANK YOU GOD for the medicine!!! Thank you, Lord, for a loving husband that "can do all things through Christ who strengthens him"!!! Back to feeling "myself" again...what a great thing!!!

All hilarity aside, Don will probably be called upon to do many things in the days & months ahead that he may think he cannot him along the way, will you? Pray for him! He's a terrific man who loves the Lord and is filled with kindness & compassion. Though he is hurting terribly, we're trying to find laughter & bright spots as we can - THIS was certainly all of that & more!!

O happy day!!!!!
Much love to you all...
Don & Deb

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Good afternoon...
Radiation went well - about 15 seconds in all, but computer broke down and the procedure took 2 hours! Patience!

We got the results of yesterday's biopsy and the cancer has spread to the lungs. I'm sorry for the harshness of those words, but there is no easy way to say them. They're just difficult words. We have an appointment with the Madison oncologist next Friday. We will, then, postpone our appointment with Mayo's (it was on the 29th...and with radiation being every day and not being able to skip any, it'll work out best to postpone it at this time anyway).

Over & over, thank you for your constant begging to our Father in heaven on our behalf. May His name be praised!
Love you all,
Don & Deb

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Just wanted to touch base with you after getting home from Madison. All went well today...smoothly and efficiently. This was not a painful procedure, not very time-consuming, either, but all in all, we were there about 5-6 hours. It was mostly the monitoring afterward that took the time.

Don also had a pleasant time visiting with Roger & Vi Kleffel while we were there. Can you imagine in a place that large and so many people coming & going that you might actually have appointments coincide with other loved ones along the way and have time to visit no less?! Thanks, Roger & Vi, for coming to look us up for a visit!

Turning in - again, resting in His care and so grateful...
Don & Deb
Good morning!
It's Wednesday morning, bright & sunny! Thank you, Kurt & Jenn, for taking over the "posts" while I was on a little "vacation" in the hospital. Thank you for keeping loved ones in the loop for us. You did a beautiful job.

We got settled at home last evening and I just enjoyed a little bit of a nap while Don was out tending to some work. It felt very good not to be poked or woke-d!

Oh, how God continues to provide encouragement along the way! A dear loved one brought up an mp-3 player to the hospital on Monday night. It was loaded with inspirational instrumental music - the stuff of "our" generation...upbeat & beautiful, but not bangy. Little did he know (though God did) the help & comfort those songs would bring in just a few hours. Many songs were familiar and brought familiar scripture passages to mind. During the night I needed a blood transfusion and God kept me company along the way through music (thanks, Kent) and through those who just "happened to be" awake and praying...thank you, one & all!

And again - another loved one loaded some music on a different listening device - this time, though, it was "bangy" music! It, too, contains many songs straight from Scripture and shouts (literally!) of hope, redemption, right living, and encouragement in Jesus Christ. The very first song that is loaded - don't know if it was by his choice or HIS choice - is "Who Am I" by Casting Crowns (I think). The song ends beautifully by answering the "who am I?" question with "I am Yours!". Thanks so much, Kurt... the music you've shared with us reminds us of you all and Mia & Livi show much - it is what y'all are growing up with!! I can see with my mind's eye Mia & Livi be-bopping to the songs during worship!

Thank you for all your love & care...we keep saying how much you all mean to us and it is so very true. We can only imgaine, though, how hard the waiting & waiting can be for you all - and the helplessness that is felt. Headed to Madison here soon this morning and we'll begin radiation tomorrow morning, but for just now, we will rest in HIS care!

Love you all so much...may peace in His perfect love fill your day...
Don & Deb

Monday, April 19, 2010

Good Evening,

Today was a day of mixed emotions. On the upside, Mom is feeling better. Meds are working, she's eating, she's sleeping, and chatting. She is still at Swedes, but that is because they switched to the oral drugs that she will be sent home with and want to make sure there is stability.Which we are glad that she will be at the hospital in case the oral meds don't work. She will have some preliminary radiation work done tomorrow and then sent home. She is fatigued and will continue to need lots of rest. And we all know how difficult this will be for her. Pray that she will take care of herself and plan for lots of naps.

She did not begin any radition treatments today, because the doctor wants to check with Madison doctors also he did not want to start and stop radition when she goes for the lung biospy on Wednesday. So, we will wait and be patient, patient, patient. Radiation will be Friday or Monday, as of now.

Wednesday will be her biospy in Madison. "Lord, comfort us, be near, wrap your arms around Mom, and may the results found in Rockford be true."

Hopefully tomorrow Mom will be back to blogging, even if just a word or two (I don't know if that is possible...she loves you all and will have more insight than I). I know that everyone is anxious to hear from her. Thank you all for being so near! Thank you to a gracious God that hears us in our trials.

Love, Kurt and Jenn

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Dear Prayerful family and friends,

We just wanted to let everyone know what the happenings have been of the last few days. Since Mom's last post on Thursday, she has been through some very difficult days. Thursday evening she took 1 pain pill (I forget the name) and it made her very sick for several hours. Friday, she seemed a little better, but still in much pain and discomfort. Saturday, she called the doctor and he said to head to the ER. They headed to Swedes. They admitted her around 7:00 p.m. to reduce and monitor the pain and nauseousness by using Reglan and Zeflan for nauseousness and Morphine. She finally felt like eating Sunday evening! She had pasta with sauce, salad with ranch dressing, and cookies with pudding. She said it even tasted good. She must be feeling better!! And she kept it down!!! Hallelujah!!!
Tomorrow morning she is scheduled to see the Radiation doctor for yet another consultation. She is hoping they take pity on her and start radiation tomorrow.
We just want to say thank you, thank you, thank you for the visits, calls, cards, hugs, and most importantly the prayers. Each and everyone of you mean so much to us. Mom says "I hear you talking about me" whenever we are whispering to each other. Even though it is difficult for her to be the one "talked" about, we are so grateful you all are talking to our Almighty God!!! Our memory verse for the month in our Sunday school (1st, 2nd,3rd grades) is "A friend loves at all times. He is there to help when trouble comes" Proverbs 17:17 NIrv. We have truly been blessed by great family and friends.

Love, Kurt and Jenn

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Just some "orders of business"...appt. for lung biopsy is next Wednesday, the 21st in Madison. We also have an appt. with Mayo's on April 29th. We don't know for sure if we will keep the Mayo appt. or not, as it will depend, I think, on the results of the biopsy - BUT at least we have an appointment, should we want to go ahead with it.

I knew this day would come somewhere along the way...the day when all is not cheery and well, when I don't feel too terribly good and then, what do I write? Well, I guess I write that I'm not all that cheery today - and in a little "discomfort", too. I've taken just a little of the pain medication and hope it helps. "They" tell me it will!

So many scriptures come to, the 121st Psalm..."I lift up my eyes to the hills - where does my help come from? My help comes from the LORD, the Maker of heaven and earth. He will not let your foot slip - He who watches over you will not slumber; indeed, He who watches over Israel will neither slumber nor sleep. The LORD watches over you - the LORD is your shade at your right hand; the sun will not harm you by day, nor the moon by night. The LORD will keep you from all harm - He will watch over your life; the LORD will watch over your coming and going both now and forevermore." Amen.

It's a beautiful day outside, warm & sunny...heats the bones up, for sure. Don was busy today running errands of all kinds. He came home, left again, came home, then left again. Finally, he was home to stay and I asked how he liked being a "wife" running all these errands. We laughed!

Enjoy your day...and may God bless you, each one!

Don & Deb

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Finally - a little good news!! I've lost 10 lbs. since last visit a few days ago!! For some of you, that would not be such good news - but for me, it's great!!

We met with the radiation therapy doctor today, Dr. Kristin Bradley. Not much older than our daughter, Jennifer...very kind and compassionate. She had a "resident" with her part of the time and I had to bite my tongue to keep from asking if he was old enough to have a driver's license, let alone be a doctor. I don't know...does that mean I'm getting older or is everyone else just younger?

Much the same news with one exception - a MOST important exception. Dr. Bradley did not get as excited about this as I am, but I think this is a very, very significant little discrepancy and a HUGE, HUGE matter of prayer. Please forgive the technicalities, but I don't know how to 'splain it any other way.

The Rockford & Madison doctors do not agree on the "type" of cancer. This is huge, to me. The Rockford doctors, after getting back the results of a test they did, say I have "adinoe cell carcinoma"...and that she saw the nodule in the lung but said it is not cancer, we will not deal with it now.

The Madison doctors, after seeing the cervical cancer (they say tests MOSTLY confirm this) have assumed (their words) that the cancer has jumped to secondary sites in the lungs - both of them. The Madison doctors call this cancer "squamous cell carcinoma". (For you internet doctors, you'll find that squamous on the internet mostly refers to a skin cancer - it can be, but not in my case.)

IF - IF - the Madison doctors are wrong and Rockford is correct - HALLELUJAH!!!! It changes a lot, though we are still talking stage IV cervical cancer at any rate. Not good by any means - BUT if the Rockford doctors are correct, then we don't have to battle with the huge issue of the lungs being the problem.

Madison dr. said today that she is nearly 100% sure that it is in the lungs - but she doesn't know, I don't think, that perhaps this is where God can allow a different outcome than the picture they've painted thus far!! This is truly the first good news we've had since we've started.

A lung biopsy, to be done in Madison, will confirm/deny the cancer in the lung. They are to call tomorrow with date/time. Radiation will begin shortly - M-F for 3 weeks and done here in Rockford. Nothing fancy, just some radiation to lighten the effects of the cervical issues. BECAUSE, again - Madison is still thinking the lungs are the huge issue to treat and don't want to dilly-dally with symptomatic radiation. BUT, should Rockford prove to be right, than the radiation treatment will change to focus on the cervical issues.

By the way, I asked how one gets cervical cancer. She said mostly it is seen in third world countries and comes from a virus of sorts. She said that is not the case here - there has been no viral whatever present and that's why it wouldn't have shown up on a test of some sort. She said mine is "out of the realm of normal". Our GOD is out of the realm of normal!!!

So - once again, thank you for your prayers. Please pray with us that the lung biopsy confirms Rockford's findings. Oh, how we pray!! More waiting, to be sure, but waiting with all of you is made easier because of your love and concern for us - and your constant prayers!

We stopped at Hubbard Ave. Diner on the way home for a sandwich & piece of pie...strawberry rhubarb with ice cream...very good. Reminded me of spring and the promise of new life!

Love you all so much...
Don & Deb

Monday, April 12, 2010

Hello again...
A dear friend has come to us and asked us - perhaps "beg" is a better word - to consider going to Mayo Clinic, rather than staying with UW Madison. To tell you the truth, we had not even thought of Mayo's. We have a family member that works at Mayo Clinic - in the radiation department (right, Janis?) and I was able to talk with her about what questions to ask, treatment to expect, etc., from this radiation process. She also shed a little light on the idea of a second opinion with Mayo's. So we have gone ahead to set things up for a 2nd opinion, but one thing is for sure. We will not put off beginning the radiation in Madison to wait for another opinion at Mayo's. We believe time is very important right now and we're not wanting to delay any opportunity we have to get a start on all this. We believe right now that a bird in the hand is worth more than 2 in the bush!

Mayo's called today to get details and refer us on to a review person of some sort. They will review our case to see if they can be of any help and get back to us by Thursday - and make the appointment for a second opinion from there. We believe, right now anyway, that their timing is too far out to be of help to us. But, again, we won't jump to conclusions or "suppose" the timing is off until it proves out to be so.

We will continue to pursue open doors, keeping in mind that God is the Director of all of this, and also knowing that He is not the author of confusion, either. We want to use good sense in these matters without jeopardizing the outcome!

Thanks so much for your love & prayers - and phone calls of concern. Yesterday was a marvelous day - difficult, too, though, as we saw many of you face to face and greeted one another with hugs & tears. Speaking with "my girls" in Sunday School class was so very hard. Again, I see the sadness and concern on their faces and how I wish that this were not so. But it is - and walk on we must, though never alone. Thank you, dear God, for Your constant love and guidance along with dear family & friends You have placed around us!

May the Lord bless and keep you - each one!
Love to all,
Don & Deb

Friday, April 9, 2010

Just wanted to let you all know that we have an appointment in Madison with the radio therapy department - a consultation before we begin treatment. It's Tuesday, the 13th at 2:00 p.m. The nurse that called to make the appointment said that we will "explore options". That's got to be medical jargon for something good, doesn't it?!! Pray with us that we have clear minds to make sound decisions. Pray with us that we will be courageous to take in all "they" have to say. Thank Him for preparing the way for us!

Don & Deb

P.S. The dandelion greens are smelling oh so good!! Can't hardly keep my fork out of them. Don, on the other hand, thinks that just the smell is enough to choke a horse. More for us that like them!! :)
Good morning! I woke up to the birds chirping and started to chuckle because they seemed so tickled to be about their business. Don & I have had a restful night and that is a blessing. There is this "pit" in our stomachs, but that is overwhelmed by the love & prayers, the constant care & concern from those near & far. We continue our day with praise to God on our minds and hearts for we know that His love and care is unfailing. Now off to the grocery store to buy dandelion greens...having my family over for birthdays tonight and making "greens" - the old Italian way. I remember when Grandma (who is now 100 years old...)used to pick them in the yard outside (before the dogs could get to them!) but we just buy them in the store now. May God bless your day today...
Don & Deb

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Oh, dear family & is with a heavy heart that I write these words. We have received word from our Madison doctor and the news is a bit more challenging than we had hoped (but then again, God sees the big picture, doesn't He?). The cancer is primarily in the cervix region. The second part is that the PET scan showed there is a lymph node on the left side in the pelvic region that is involved. But the biggest challenge (as if those things weren't enough!) is that there are multiple small areas in the lungs. He said we will hit the pelvic region with radiation to ease the symptoms but we'll hit the lungs hard with chemotherapy. I asked if we were talking "cure" or "buying time" and he said "buying time". He said that our goal and our hope and our prayer is to try and get this into remission, hoping that the chemo will shrink the lung areas. He said the lungs will be the biggest battle. As Don, Jenn, and I said...well, at least it's not brain cancer, too. :)

I have an appointment to begin radiation on April 19, but Dr. Rose said that is too far out. He will make a phone call or two and set something up much sooner. For the efficiency and quickness, we are most grateful to God.

Again and again, we have the knowledge that we are in His care, never out of His watchful eye...and on that we depend. Days may be difficult, but God is STILL on His throne and the Ruler of all. For that we give Him all our praise!!

Thank you for your love & prayers - and the notes & comments that you've sent along. They mean so so very much...

Love to all...
Don & Deb

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Our get-together last night was "over the top"! The encouragment, prayer, and just plain "being the body" has been a tremendous boost for us and we hope for many of you, as well. Especially with the waiting that we've been doing today...all day. The doctor hasn't called yet, though his nurse has - to confirm that he called to tell us the news. A little communication problem, I think. So we will wait a little longer...we know many of you are waiting with us!

Love to you all...
Don & Deb

Monday, April 5, 2010

Welcome to our blog! We hope this blog provides not only a way for us to keep in touch during this journey, but we hope it shouts of hope & encouragment because we are IN HIS CARE, the care of our Father in heaven.

Again, thank you for walking alongside us as we travel this road.

With much love,
Don & Deb