Saturday, June 4, 2011

This is a copy of my 1st post on my new blog...DearMom-LoveJenn.

The URL is listed at the bottom of this post for those of you who would like to join us on our different journey.

Saturday, June 4, 2011

The beginning of a new journey!!!

Welcome to Dear Mom-Love Jenn!!
This space I will use for letters to my Mom, Debbie Anderson, who went to be with her Heavenly Father on April 1, 2011 after a 12 month courageous journey through cancer. She taught me so much and we miss her!! I want to write about family times, my girls growing up, celebrations, trials, all those moments I would have shared with my Mom. I want to write them down, so I can share them with my girls as they get older I am also hoping this will help me grow, heal, and learn through this season of life. Life hear on Earth will move forward, but there is a piece of us that is missing. Although that piece is missing, Mom taught us so much that sometimes it is if she is still here. I am so very grateful that my parents taught me about God, faith, hope, and love.
"Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see." Hebrews 11:1
Thanks for following,

This is the URL for my new blog...DearMom-LoveJenn!!!

Friday, June 3, 2011

Good morning loved ones,
Today is Friday!!! Today is the last full day of school for our little Mia and next year she is going to be in 2nd grade!! This weekend it's going to be a hot one and with the school year pretty much behind us, it's kind of the beginning of summer. I love summer time to be flexible, go swimming, have a P.J. day, watch a movie, go on a day trip, go to the park, blow bubbles, sidewalk chalk, run through the sprinklers, farmer's markets, outside concerts, time with family and friends. What ever you choose to do this summer, enjoy God's presence in your life.
I have been thinking about changing the how I blog a little bit. On the Sunday before Memorial Day, a video clip was shown with a girl who wrote letters to her dad who had died for our country. She wrote about her life, things she would want to share with her dad. So, I thought I may use this blog as letters to Mom, things about our lives that we would've shared with her. So, if the next post starts out "Dear Mom", please don't think I have lost my mind......although sometimes I feel like that is a possibility!!!
Love to you all,
Kurt, Jenn, Mia, and Livi