Friday, January 21, 2011

Hi...just another quick note. I'm being admitted this afternoon to the hospital in Madison. Hopefully we can get this pain under control - and not come out a zombie!!!

Don's going to be spending the night, assuming they keep me today (I am not scheduled to be there until 1:00 p.m. mostly because of the travel time) and we'll see what comes of tomorrow.

Talk with you later...


  1. David and Laura1/21/2011

    Thanks for keeping us posted are all being lifted up to Our Father throughout the day! May someone, something be able to give you relief. Love You. David and Laura

  2. Dear and Deb, You are in our thoughts and prayers. We are "hoping" that the doctors will have wisdom and be able to give you pain meds that won't make you have nausea or side effects you don't want. Don,we are praying for your strength and well-being, too and for your whole family. Love Sue and John

  3. Anonymous1/22/2011

    Keeping you in thought and prayer!! Your strength and wisdom are amazing! God continues to watch over you both!

    Linda M
