Saturday, January 29, 2011

Mom and Dad send greetings from Madison with pleasant smiles on their faces. Kurt, Mia, Livi, and I had a wonderful visit with dad and mom today in Madison. Mom looks so much better. She is receiving morphine and fluids intravenously. She was able to drink water and eat some delicious muffins and KEEP it down!!! We also enjoyed the company of some dear friends and phone calls from more. The doctor said they would keep mom for a few more days and regulate the morphine intravenously until she was rarely pushing the button. Then when they switch over to oral medication, they will continue to keep her for monitoring.
Much love, Kurt and Jenn


  1. David and Laura1/29/2011

    So glad they are keeping her and working with her...hopefully, prayerfully she will get some relief and rest. Always keeping you all in our prayers. Thanks for updating Jenny, so many of us check throughout the day, it is good to hear. Love you guys. David and Laura

  2. Dear Jenn and Kurt,
    I'm sure it is a relief to all of you that the doctors are keeping her this time. We,too, pray the she will get some relief from the pain and nausea, and that both your mom and dad can get some needed rest. So many people have asked how your mom is doing. Thank you for keeping us all informed,Jenny. You are all in our prayers. Love Sue and John

  3. Jenn & Kurt,

    Our prayers are with all of you, especially Deb. May God give you all peace.

    Steve & Janet Lowman

  4. Our prayers are with you. Love you, friends.

  5. Thank you Jen for keeping us abreast. We are so thankful for this blog and for your upadates. We continue to keep you all in our prayers, especially Deb. And we ask our heavenly Father to give her comfort from the pain. We love you all so much. Pat and Larry
