Friday, April 29, 2011

Greetings dear prayer warriors,
These last few weeks and days have flown by, which is good. I would rather have them go by quickly, so they do not drag on. But at the same time, not too quickly so there is no time to reflect and grow during this season of our life. At the beginning of 2011, Sherm made a challenge to the church body to read through the Bible in a year (yes, even though I went to Bible college...I haven't read through the entire Bible....shhhhh!!). My thought that Sunday morning was " This is going to be a difficult year. And by reading the Bible this year and spending more time with God, we will make it." Now, I have missed some weeks, but last week during the high school Wednesday night gathering we as a small group decided to hold each other accountable to read which is helping me to get back on track. Now, there are still parts that I just can't wrap my head around, but the more times I read the more it's going to make sense. But God's words is relevant. And I must say that I am thankful that we no longer grieve as they did in the Old Testament. I think that is because we have hope in our eternity. Jesus over came death and there is a place prepared for us. Amen!!!
Many of you have continued to pour our your love to us. Thank you for continuing to pray for us as we are grieving because we have lost a wonderful wife/mom. We also think of the many of you lost a dear daughter/sister/aunt/niece/cousin/friend. May the Lord comfort and guide you through today!
God bless you all,
Kurt and Jenn


  1. Jenn,
    Thanks for the post! It is a nice way to stay in touch with how you all are doing. Keep reading! God bless.
    Steve Lowman

  2. David and Laura4/30/2011

    Thank you Jenn, Continuing daily to keep you all in our prayers! Losing a loved one is tough, but learning how to move forward each new day while remembering your mom and feeling the pain is also tough! May our Heavenly Father give you strength and purpose as you walk through each day. We love you! David and Laura

  3. Anonymous5/01/2011

    Kurt and Jenn,
    I check your Mom's blog almost every day. But for one reason or another I haven't over the past couple of days. It's wonderful to see your comforting words.
    It's funny that you would say that you are thankful that we no longer grieve as they did in the Old Testament. I was just thinking about that the other day. Some of those OT characters really had a tough time. As much as our hearts ache and miss your mom we do have assurance that she is in the presence of the Lord. I often wonder how God is using her special talents in Heaven and how she is spending her time there. It makes me smile even though I miss her so deeply.
    You are very wise to realize that God's Word is relevant. By spending time with Him through prayer and in His Word we can grow as His people and bring honor to Him through everything that we do.
    I love you. I'm here for you. Whatever you need. Any time of the day.
    Much love,
    Aunt Donna

  4. Anonymous5/01/2011

    Don, Kurt, Jenny and family,
    What a wonderful way to express the Love our Lord has for us. Through these Blogs you continue to share with the whole world. I agree, through prayer and in His Word we shall grow stronger to be Gods people.
    Because He Lives we can see tomorrow.
    Love in Christ Jesus,
    Dee Zick
