Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Dear loved ones,
Since I last posted, mom has remained in the UW of Madison Hospital. The doctors have been regulating mom's pain meds and watching her responses. She was removed from IV morphine earlier in the week and pain patches have been added to the regiment. Some other bit of info that could be lifted up to our Heavenly Father is the concern of a blood clot in her left leg. She will be sent home with instructions for 1 injection per day (I am sure the medically wise folks know what the drug is called, but sorry I just don't). It could take 6 months for the clot to totally break down, which many of you know about this situation as you have endured this before.
Other news from the snow covered tundra..... It is possible that they are coming home she ready??? There are some concerns, but we will move forward and continue to trust our Lord and be comforted by His presence.
Many of you have asked if there is anything you could do for us, we just ask that you continue to pray, keep in touch, and hug us! It is such a blessing to know that the Lord's army is ready and waiting and will rise up, hold on to us, and encourage us through this journey!! Bless you all!! We also pray for you!!! We are thankful for you! We know this is tough for so many, but continue to raise your voices to God, praise Him for HIS Almighty presence, and HIS goodness!!
We love you all....just one more blessing...NO SCHOOL again!!!
Love, Kurt and Jenn


  1. David and Laura2/02/2011

    Thank you, Thank you Jenn for the update! Even in the storms,(snow) our Father can bring you the time to be with your Dad and Mom and not feel torn. We are praying, our church here is praying, our youth are praying.....May you feel our arms around you in a hug and know we are lifting you all up for healing, strength, rest, peace....and feeling God's presence among everything! We love you1

  2. Please know you all are in the my thoughts and prayers.
    May the good Lord bless you and uplift you, put His loving arms about you and grant you peace and continued strength.
    Love and Blessings,

  3. Dear Deb and Don,
    Jenn is sounding more and more like you. None of us truly know what you are going through, but God does and He will be right with you today. We send our love and prayers that your doctors will have God's wisdom and that the patches and other meds will do their job. We send hugs to you and your family. Love Sue and John

  4. Dear Jen and Family,

    The distance between us means nothing because the love that has flowed from your family wraps around me the minute I read the messages posted here. I am praying for your mom's pain to be relieved and for the blod clot to disolve. God will take care of you and your family there is no doubt. I love you all and please give your dad and mom a big hug from me.

    With much Love,

  5. Anonymous2/03/2011

    Thank you, Jenn, for keeping us informed about your Mom -- and the weather report! We continue to pray, from Florida (do I dare mention that?).
    Much love to all of you. Hug each other for us!!
    Richard & Alma

  6. Anonymous2/03/2011

    Jenn, loving, missing, hugging and praying for and with you all! Love, Kelly
