Saturday, November 13, 2010

Ha!! What a relief!! I had a totally pain-free night last night for the first time in weeks! Amen and Amen!! The last few days have just been miserable - I paced the floor for over an hour the night before last and nothing was helping...but last night was wonderful!! Don used the electric back massager on my back, I took Tylenol regularly - such simple stuff!! We had a little bite to eat, watched a bit of TV, then went to bed, waking only in time to take more Tylenol (amazing to wake up every 4 hours, right on time!). We must just be way over-thinking this pain thing and skipped over the simpler way to go...perhaps this will take care of the problem for good.

Thank you, God, for the relief...the praise belongs to You!!



  1. Those back messagers are great! I hope this will help. Don is such a gem, I hope today is quiet, warm and comfortable. Need any movies or anything just call. Thinking, Praying & Hoping for God's best. love, km

  2. Dear Deb,

    I was inspired from a message from a man who preached through Crossroads Church in Galena this Sunday. He talked about a time when he had been sick for 8 years, 8 years! That is a long time, he said that he had gone to people in the medical community hospitals doctors for four years. When that wasn't working (I didn't mention that he was from Africa) he started to go to witch doctors. He was going and going he said the cut him and put some black stuff on his arms and he only got worse. Then someone gave him a book to read. I don't recall what it was but this scripture was used: Proverbs 4:20-22 My son pay attention to what I say; turn your ears to my words, do not let them out of your site, keep them within your heart; for they are LIFE to those who find them and health to ones whole body. When he read those words he claimed them and he was healed immediately. There is power in the word of God. I wish you could of heard the whole message. He was a greatly animated speaker and well versed in scripture. God Bless you guys Today. I am praying. I love you!
