Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Hello...and Happy Thanksgiving!
We have much to be thankful to God for...let me start with my folks. Perhaps you've heard about the tornado that came through this area yesterday? Well, it took a similar path that the tornado of January '08 took...right across Hwy. 173 and towards my folks' home. They were struck badly in '08 and have been struck again! This time Dad's workshop imploded (as it did last time), limbs are down, fascia off the house...and like Mom said, "what are the chances?"!! The good news is that they are just fine, in fact, they were here at our house when the tornado came through. Now it's a matter of cleaning up...again! They are strong people and will do just fine, but the clean up gets wearisome...and then there's the rebuilding. Thank you for the prayers on their behalf.

The pain has returned in my back/abdominal area and the Tylenol isn't working. The doctor has switched it up for morphine, but I'm having trouble keeping it down. I am concerned about the morphine...I have an image in my mind of sorts that the morphine, for the cancer patient, only comes with end-of-life care/Hospice care. I know that LOTS of folks take morphine and it helps, but that's where my mind goes. I know - I'm being ridiculous. So I'm concentrating on things to be thankful for. I go through the alphabet and remind myself, with every letter, how thankful to God I am for...answers to prayer, blessings of family & friends, church family...well, you get the idea. I even name specific people from A-Z! Wow!! What blessings!!

Blessings to you and your family this Thanksgiving and continuing holiday season. I know it's a little early, but isn't Christmas music just such a treat!! Don starts playing our Christmas music in September!!

Love you, one and all...
Don & Deb


  1. I start singing Christmas music early. I was singing some on the bus the other day and my bus aide told me it was too early for that. I said it is never too early! I will keep your Mom and Dad and you all in my prayers. I am thankful to God that you are a part of my family. God Bless you all. Love you!

  2. Hello gorgeous!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thinking about you so often...............I love you like no one's business.........I am thankful for you and in awe of your faith and strength (and humor of course)!

