Saturday, November 6, 2010

Hello! Yesterday was "treatment" day and all went well with the treatment. I'm thankful for that. No surprises and that's a good thing!

These last 7 weeks have been quite the challenge. I have just not been feeling good. Yes, there are times when there's some relief and those have been a welcome respite. I do think, finally, we have rounded a corner, so to speak, and perhaps am on the upswing. My abdominal/back pain seems to be lightening up and I am cautiously optimistic...I only say that because I've thought several times over the past few weeks that things were improving and then we headed downhill.

I'm sorry - I'm just not feeling very chatty today and probably don't sound very positive, either. I know lots of you live with pain and discomfort on a daily basis - and have for quite some time. I don't think I have, for the most part, so when I get like this and the pain/discomfort interfere with regular life, it's a challenge. One that I don't seem to be mastering.

Tomorrow we'll worship together with precious family & friends and THAT will bring peace and comfort to my weary soul. And I hope that our worship will be a blessing to the God we worship!

Love to each one,


  1. Anonymous11/06/2010

    Keeping you in our is good to hear the "humor" when you tell of happenings...but OH....we don't like to hear you are not doing well....what can we say or what can we do?... thank you for sharing that also! I am praying for a restful and painfree night for you and Don...may your praise and worship give you a Peace that only He can give! We love you! David and Laura

  2. Anonymous11/06/2010

    Love you more than my words can express.

    I pray that you feel God's presence and care for you even when 'regular' life is interrupted.


  3. Anonymous11/12/2010

    You are in my regular prayers. May He grant peace and comfort to you and Don and wrap His loving arms about you and give you rest.0

    Tina :)
