Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Hello! We have rounded a corner and none too soon! I am feeling better, sleeping a bit better, and just rising up out of the "grouchies"!! I've been mindful of the things I am learning here along this journey...patience, compassion - things like that...and I must be a slow learner but some of these things take time and perseverance to grow and produce. I'm reminding myself that God's ways are NOT our ways, His thoughts are not OUR thoughts (Isaiah 55:8). His ways are infinitely higher than I'm trusting in His care. Difficult at times when the pain overwhelms, but we carry on, don't we?!

Little Miss Liviana Grace came to spend some time with Grandma yesterday...and Grandpa when he came home from work. What fun! Thought I'd share one of our pictures with you...tis the season!
Have a great day...


  1. Oh, what precious moments!
    Praying that the good days continue.
    Love, Mom and Dad

  2. Anonymous11/12/2010

    Wonderful picture...sweet Livia!! Kelleys

  3. Beautiful picture. Thank you for sharing your precious memories with us. Praying that God is healing you today and helping you to feel better. I get the grouchies all the time. Just ask my kids. LOL

    Love you guys,

  4. Anonymous11/15/2010

    Grandpa's face is a picture worth a thousand words whenever his little girls are around. So very precious are these times! Soak them up every chance you get! Making precious memories for ourselves is a HUGE HONOR and blessing from the FATHER...thank you Lord for FAMILY of all kinds, biological or otherwise! Continue to pray for all of you!!

    Luv, Linda M.
