Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Dear loved ones...merriest of Christmas' to you this year! We had a wonderful celebration with my Grandmother's side of the family last weekend (or maybe 2 weekends ago now...how time flies!). Grandma (Noni) turned 101 this past week - wow! I don't think I've ever known anyone that's lived that long, not in recent memory anyway. Oh, but we had fun with cousins, etc., that we just don't see very often, wonderful food (way too much, of course) and the children played well, the organization of the whole thing was just wonderful - thank you, Becky & Judy. We had a wonderful time - and the snow outside just added to the festivities (in more ways than one!).

And the celebrations of Christ's birth just go on and on...looking forward to our annual Christmas Eve service at church. A time of great joy, to be sure. We will get together with a little of Don's family on Christmas Eve (our big celebration is always New Year's Day) and then we'll gather with my family out at Dad & Mom's on Christmas Day.

Hope that whatever you do, whether you gather with family or have a quiet celebration - whatever - that it is filled with hope in our Savior, thanks for His coming, and praise to our Father for His wonderful plan.

The last couple of weeks have had their challenges...medicine for pain isn't working well, tummy turbulence and the like have just come to camp at our home and it's made for challenging times. Tomorrow is the CT scan in Madison and we won't know of the results until next week. I also begin another round of treatment tomorrow. The schedule is off a bit because of the holiday, but that's OK...we just roll with it.

Much love to you and yours...again, focus on the important - the Savior that was born and your response to that gift - and let the rest fall where it may!!

Love you...and Merry Christmas!
Don & Deb


  1. Anonymous12/22/2010

    Love you Deb and praying that today goes well.


  2. Anonymous12/22/2010

    Praying today is trouble-free traffic, good day for the pain, smooth waters for the tummy & clear vision in the pictures..... We are here and praying! Sending lots of love, Duane & km

  3. Dearest Deb and Don,
    Blessings to all your doctors and nurses. May God give them courage and wisdom to find a cure for this disease.
    Our thoughts are with you today and pray you have a peaceful day. Your deep faith is
    encouraging, and strengthens us.
    Love, Mom and Dad
