Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Good morning...we had a great trip to and from Madison, as well as a good visit with Dr. Clearly and his "fellow" (more than a "resident", I believe??). Don and I just enjoy each other and being in the car together (though I fall asleep sometimes!). We had cheeseball and crackers along the way, Christmas music playing, and we just went zippity-do-dah down the road.

We spent about 1 1/2 hours with the doctors yesterday and we are going to try some new things. I'll try a new drug (new for me) from a different "family" to see if that helps the pain without the side effects that I have with the morphine. The doctor also suggested ginger for the nausea, etc. He asked if I have problems with motion sickness (is there water in the ocean????) because he said he has lots of trouble with motion and cannot take morphine, either, without the nasty side effects. He takes lots of ginger like you'd find in the health food store (not in the spice aisle, though it's the same, I think). So off on another adventure - to the health food store. He's also prescribed a little physical therapy thinking that it might be muscle-related and could possible benefit from stretches, etc. ("torture" is what I'm thinking!!). He was very kind, asked lots and lots of questions and seemed knowledgeable without being a "know it all" or just tossing out textbook ideas. He is from Australia and has a thick accent, so we had to pay very close attention not to miss a thing.

So, we'll try some things and see. All in all, I'm doing really well...I've got the morphine, etc. down pat pretty much and know that I can take it 2x each day, so if I have things going that day, I can time it to help when needed most. The heating pad works wonderful, too.

Make it a great day...the Lord is kind and gracious and we thank Him for providing wonderful care-givers along our path. Thank you for your prayers on our behalf and that of our families.

Don & Deb


  1. It's Saturday and the snow is falling beautiful. My neighbor downstairs has a hot tub which we have been sitting in OUTSIDE enjoying the gentle flakes falling. We hated to get out but have plans to go somewhere. Maybe after the Nutcracker we could get in. I hope that you are feeling well. It was sure good to see you last Sunday.

  2. Dearest Debbie,
    I came across this in some of my readings and thought it most fitting...."Focus on the good things in life however small or big they might be".
    Love, Mom and Dad

  3. Anonymous12/17/2010

    Sounds like you are moving along in getting the pain issues under control. I pray that to be so! Morphine is a drug I NEVER take...not allergic to it but, the effects it has are not worth taking it!! Praying you have found relief for the pain. What an amazing witness you are to others...I want to just like you when I grow up! :-) IF I EVER DO! LOVE AND PRAYERS COMING YOUR WAY!!!
    Linda M
