Wednesday, December 1, 2010

IT'S SNOWING!!! Just a little - but it's snowing!!! What a marvelous sight! King David starts out the 51st psalm with these words..."Have mercy on me, O God, according to Your unfailing love; according to Your great compassion blot out my transgressions. Wash away all my iniquity and cleanse me from my sin." And then a little further down, in verse 7, David says, "wash me, and I will be whiter than snow."

I'm always reminded of the purity, the freshness, the way new fallen snow can cover the dirtiest old pile and make it look new again...and God's compassion and forgiveness when we come with repentant and contrite hearts, as David did after his broo-ha-ha with Bathsheba. Actually, the Bible calls it "sin"! Thank you, God, for the precious reminder of Your mercy in such a practical way - snow!!

Have a great day...hope it's snowing where you are...
Don & Deb


  1. It is and everyone is grumbling. Not me I am trying to remind people from which it comes and the uniqueness of each individual flake. Just like us, each individual flake.

  2. I wish it would snow here! Thankfully, after Christmas we can head North to worship with other missionaries and there in the mountains I hope we can see some snow!

  3. You are probably wondering who Celebrating is. I have two sign ons for Google and forgot that I was on the other one. I still am but this is Patty R. How about this ice storm today. I think it is a day to stay warm and cozy.
