Thursday, December 30, 2010

Hallelu, hallelu, hallelu, HALLELUJAH!!!!!!!!! Praise ye the Lord!!!

The pain has subsided tremendously - even went for supper with my folks tonight...Don had to work :( ... It is absolutely wonderful to be so pain free. Don is so very much relieved - I can see it on his face. His cute little bearded face!!! There are some bladder issues that we are trying to work through that give a bit of pain - can't stand more than a second or two, walking is a problem, though not as painful as just standing. BUT - the big overall pain is gone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am so, so, glad. Thank you, God - thank you, God!!! Thank you God.

After we got home the other night from the doctor's visit and we had found out that things were not as good as we had hoped, Don & I were just sitting quietly when two dear, sweet loved ones came by with burgers and frostys from Wendy's. What a blessing they were to come by. When they came in I was sitting in my rocker, so they came over to give hugs. Jill gave a hug first, then Kent gave me a hug - and that's when IT happened.

I've contemplated what this might be like for some time - what would I do?, how would I react?, what would the other person do? Well - what happened? Ha! My wig came off completely. It fell down behind my back in the rocker. Oh, my!! I've always been concerned about the shock factor from other folks in seeing a bald person without warning. Kent & Jill were fantastic. Kent said he wouldn't look (it didn't bother me for them to see my bald-headed, though I do get concerned for those seeing my baldness) and I'm trying to get it back on while I'm laughing so hard and I can't find the tag that tells me front from back. I get Thelma Lou on and Don is cracking up - I have it on upside down!! Two more tries and Don keeps saying "it's on backwards". Oh my!! Finally got her on straight and everyone settles in - what hysteria!!!

Then there's thanks to God for providing some comic relief in all of this...what a sense of humor God must have. We enjoyed the escapade - and just chuckle now and again thinking of it.

Take care as we enter a new year...hardly seems possible.

God's grace & mercy to you all..
Don & Deb


  1. Anonymous12/30/2010

    Praising God for your relief from the pain, will continue to help pray it all away! And how just like God to lighten the mood with such a thing like a wig! Think of you all often!
    Love and prayers, Kelly Crawford

  2. David and Laura12/31/2010

    Too funny...can hear the laughter!!!!!. Thank you Father for pain on to these other matters..You know them! May your name be praised through all things! AMEN!

  3. You better get that Thelma Lou under control. LOL too funny. I am praying for continued relief from your pain and for those tumors to be gone. Do you remember telling me about the spider in your basement and how you overcame your fear of that spider. Just like that tiny spider these tumors are small and our God is much greater. I am praying that God will stomp them out and if it has to be on His time I guess we have to be patient and wait for Him. I love you guys you are amazing.
