Monday, February 7, 2011

Hello there family and friends,
I haven't posted anything since the doctor's appointment because it hurts so much to share this information with you. The doctor didn't have some miraculous news for us. Doctor Rose shared with us basically two avenues. One avenue is a different kind of chemo (there are 2 chemo will attack the white blood count and one will have similar side affects as previous..nausea, fatigue, numbing or tingling), but neither will completely get rid of the tumors and not guarantee longevity of life, but will have some other complications. She has had a rough month and wondering if she can handle the side effects of more chemo. The other avenue is to not continue with chemo treatment and live the rest of life trying to manage pain. Due to the fact that Mom was released from the hospital on Thursday, he suggested to take some time to let the medicine work and to think about choices.Emotions and thoughts are all over the place. If the choice is to have a better quality of life, are we giving up hope?
As I was reading bible stories to the girls last week, they were all healing/miracles of Jesus. I just kept thinking, if I only knew where Jesus was preaching. We could lower her on a mat, we could just let her touch his garment, we could just be in HIS presence. I just want to help her, make it all go away, and return to life as it was a year ago. Thank you for listening to us. As we are in the midst of this journey, we hope that by our actions, words, and works that God is glorified.
The better news is that mom is "feeling" better. She still has some pain. She tires easily. She is able to eat small amounts and keep it down.
We love you all and continue to be blessed by your comforting words.
Love, Kurt and Jenn


  1. We love you so much and are praying. I'm humbled by your faith, and proud of the example you are to others. Debbie, prayers are being lifted up all over the world. It's so neat when people come over and see your Christmas card on my fridge. They ask, "Who is that?" and I say, "My friend you've been praying for." They are so happy to put a name with the face of the person they have lifted up to Jesus for so many months. Keep us posted.

  2. My heart just aches for you all. Know I am praying right now that you will feel the strength and peace of God as He continues to hold you up as only He can. In Christ's love - Tracy

  3. To our beloved Jenny and Kurt,
    Oh, such a powerful message. You are a shining
    example of your parents. Thank you for taking the "reins" and keeping everyone up to date on
    Mom's condition. Hope today's appointment with
    the pain management doctor results in more pain relief for her. Just remember, we are here for you, to help in any way we can. Praying that she gets some relief.
    Love, Grandma & Grandpa

  4. David and Laura2/08/2011

    Again our thanks for the update....not what we wanted to hear.....No greater strength and peace can be known, felt, lived, and quaranteed than knowing we have a Father who cares and knows our every want, desire! May you all feel His presence in your every day living, even when it is not what we want....Psalm 28:7 The Lord is my strength and my shield; my heart trusts in him, and I am helped. Love you guys!

  5. Dayla Hurley2/08/2011

    Thank you for the update Jenn. We hurt for you and pray wisdom, guidance, comfort for all of you. Our HOPE is in HIM!

  6. Anonymous2/08/2011

    Kurt and Jenn,
    Love you guys.
    Kelly C

  7. Debbie, Don, Kurt and Jen,

    We will continue to pray for you as you face the days and decisions that lay ahead.

    We love you all!

    Danielle Curtice

  8. Kim Hatfield2/09/2011

    Blessed be Your name in the land that is plentiful
    Where Your streams of abundance flow
    Blessed be Your name
    And blessed be Your name when I’m found in the desert place
    Though I walk through the wilderness

    Blessed be Your name
    Every blessing You pour out I’ll
    turn back to praise
    And when the darkness closes in, Lord

    Still I will say
    Blessed be the name of the Lord
    Blessed be Your name
    Blessed be the name of the Lord
    Blessed be Your glorious name

    VERSE 2:
    Blessed be Your name when the sun’s shining down on me
    When the world’s “all as it should be”
    Blessed be Your name
    And blessed be Your name on the road marked with suffering
    Though there’s pain in the offering
    Blessed be Your name


    You give and take away
    You give and take away
    My heart will choose to say
    Lord, blessed be Your name


    Praying for you each day!
    Love, Mike and Kim Hatfield
