Thursday, February 3, 2011

Just a brief update. Mom and Dad came home today. She is tucked in in her own bed tonight. Yesterday and today she crossed a couple of milestones (those tasks the doctors check off to see if you are able to go home). She has kept food down for a couple of days. She walked a little bit on her own. So, the the pharmacist sat them down and sent them home with instructions.
Tomorrow is the appointment with Dr. Rose, yep back to Madison we shall go!! After the meeting with Dr. Rose, I'm sure there will be things to share with you all. Once again, we thank you all so much!!
Good night to all,
Kurt and Jenn

1 comment:

  1. David and Laura2/04/2011

    Thank You Lord! Thank you for big blessings that come in the form of our own BED, our own home, keeping food down, being able to walk, and the Joy in going home! Praying today will be a blessed day for you all! We love you! David and Laura
